Tag: Skin Problems (Page 2)

Is A Pedicure Safe For Diabetics?

This is a common question for most podiatrists. Lets start with the basics. A lot of diabetic patients have a condition called Neuropathy or LOPS (loss of protective sensation) and have no feeling to their feet. Any cut or scrape no matter how minor can lead to devastating results for a diabetic with these conditions […]

Is There a Rubbing Cream Designed to Relieve Foot Pain?

Foot pain may be relieved by selecting and wearing appropriate footwear or even receiving massage therapy that targets the feet. However, there are topical pain medications available in forms such as balms, lotions, gels, creams, ointments, and patches which can alleviate foot pain. There are distinct types of topical medications, and they fall into one […]

What’s This Between My Toes? Is It Toe Jam?

I have had many patients ask this exact question. While I think the phrase toe jam is rather funny, it could be a serious matter. The stuff between your toes usually consists of sock fibers, dead skin cells, fungi, dirt, and bacteria. No, its not pretty to look at, but does it require a trip […]

Frostbite Can Take the Fun Out of Winter

As we now enter the cold winter weather, many of us will be skiing, sledding and shoveling snow. Many people will get cold feet as well as wet feet. Having Jack Frost nipping at your nose sounds great when Nat King Cole sings it, but its no fun when affected by serious cold weather hazards […]