Tag: Pain Management

Is The Minimal Incision Bunionectomy Right For Me?

Do you have a bump at the base of your big toe that is red and hurts in shoes? Does your big toe tilt toward your second toe? Sounds like a bunion. A bunion is a structural deformity of the foot where the long bones, called metatarsals, shift inward. Chances are if you have this, […]

Is There a Rubbing Cream Designed to Relieve Foot Pain?

Foot pain may be relieved by selecting and wearing appropriate footwear or even receiving massage therapy that targets the feet. However, there are topical pain medications available in forms such as balms, lotions, gels, creams, ointments, and patches which can alleviate foot pain. There are distinct types of topical medications, and they fall into one […]

How do You Treat Heel Pain?

Seeking medical attention from your podiatric physician is the first line of defense in treating heel pain. However, there are several steps you can take to avoid heel pain in the first place: *Wear shoes that fit well and have shock-absorbent soles, rigid shanks (the part of the shoe that supports the foot and helps […]