Tag: Bunions

Bunions: Adolescents Can Get These Bony Bumps Too

Teenagers are usually on the go with a great number of things keeping them busyschool, extra curricular interests, sports, friends, and more. Sometimes the pressures of life can be a lot to handle for a young one but it can be even more frustrating when a foot problem is the one thing keeping them from […]

The Return of the Bunion

We have discussed in prior blogs what a bunion is AND that not all bunions are alike and thus are not to be treated alike. I will not revisit the details of the how a bunion forms nor the treatment options that your Podiatric physician must weigh. What you must understand however is that it […]

Flip Flops and Bunions are Not a Match Made in Heaven

There are many great pairings that just seem made to be together: bacon and eggs, Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire, and salt and pepper. What is your favorite match made in heaven? If you have bony bumps on the side your feet, the tell-tale sign of bunions, it may not be the best to match […]

The Pointy

If your toes could talk, what would they say? Would they thank you for monthly pedicure or scold you for not washing in between them? Would they give a sigh of relief when you removed those old socks and shoes? Would the smallest piggy truly cry Wee, Wee all the way home? I think it […]

Foot Exams on an Airplane?

Recently I had to make an emergency trip to my home town for a funeral. No, I wasnt in a good mood, feeling blue as you would expect. I just lost one of the most influential men in my life. I sat in my seat got comfortable, well as comfortable as you can get not […]

Running Shoes: Basic Guidelines

People run for many different reasons. For some, it gives them a positive energy boost, and its an ideal way to keep their weight in check. For others, its the buzz of competition, or quite simply, because they enjoy it. One of the first steps to healthy running is wearing supportive running shoes. Neglecting to […]

Pasquale Di Fabrizio, Sole Provider to the Stars Part Two

On Monday, I shared an article about Pasquale Di Fabrizio that I found from 1973. That article first introduced me to the DiFabrizio but I want to share another article that I found on Di Fabrizio from 2001: By Norma Meyer COPLEY NEWS SERVICE November 9, 2001 HOLLYWOOD — We are talking celebrity bunions. That […]

Pain Under The Toes? Read All About It!

I was asked the other day about a pain directly under the big or “great” toe joint. This is a common complaint among runners and athletes. This area of the foot is the point of propulsion when walking and running. It acts as the last point of lift off before the foot leaves the ground. […]

High Heels, The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

She’s got legs! She knows how to use them! The Bad: Throughout history women have gone to great extremes with their shoe gear to achieve the desired look. The high heel is by far my favorite. Appealing perhaps, because it gives an impression of being taller and thus more slender and shapely. Other than turning […]

The Man With The Golden Foot!

Many soccer fans believe that Barcelona forward Lionel (Leo) Messi has a golden foot. Today there is no more doubt. A pure gold replica of the Argentinian star’s left foot, was unveiled Wednesday in Tokyo. The foot was created by Japanese jeweler Ginza Tanaka and is valued at $5.25 million. ”It’s exceptional. You can see […]