Tag: Ankle Surgery
Why is it so important to control your blood sugar following surgery? What could possibly go wrong if my blood sugar levels are not in the desired/advised levels? The answer is LOTS!!! First of all, what is the desired/advised range a diabetic should keep their blood sugar? According to the ADA (American Diabetes Association) between […]
When your doctor tells you that you have to stay off your foot or ankle for a certain amount of time, you might wonder how you are going to do it. Hobbling around on one foot is a lot harder than it looks…and it doesnt look very easy as it is! Here are a few […]
I had a patient ask me just last week why I work with residents in surgery and at my clinic. The simple answer is we all have to learn from someone. In reality it goes much deeper than that. After four years of college and four years of podiatric medical school they become doctors. When […]
Is this the first time you have seen a podiatrist? Well no need to worry, here is a handy guide to help you prepare for your appointment and make the most of your time. Before You See The Doctor: Bring a history from your PCP. Bring Insurance card and ID. Know what your co-pay will […]
Knee scopes are one of the most common procedures offered from Orthopedic Surgeons for a multitude of knee complaints. The use of a “scope” or “arthroscopic” surgeries has made an increase in the foot and ankle. Arthroscopic literally means to look inside of a joint. This is done with the use of a very small, […]
Recently I was reading the paper and came across an article about motivational speaker Tony Robbins and his seminar Unleash the Power Within. Part of the seminar the participants (thousands) can opt to walk across a four foot stretch of hot coals. The temperatures of these coals can reach as high as 1000 degrees. 21 […]
Yesterday, Hall of Fame-bound basketball player Ray Allen underwent surgery on his right ankle in hopes of extending his basketball career. There is a lot of basketball left in these legs, the 36 year old point guard for the Boston Celtics said prior to the surgery. The wear and tear of all his years in […]
Recently I wrote a blog on pre-operative tips before having foot and ankle surgery, and I got many requests to write about what to do after foot surgery. These are general tips, and different procedures may require more individualized instructions. Make sure your podiatrist gives you instructions for your specific needs. Your actions the first […]
Having foot or ankle surgery is not as bad as some make it out to be if you are prepared. In this blog, you will learn some tips from foot and ankle surgeon Dr. Jeffrey Bowman and Houston Foot Specialists. First, and most important is to ask your podiatrist before the procedure any questions you […]
Chronic ankle sprains, also known as ankle instability, are usually due to repetitive accidents or injuries to the ankle joint. This differs from an acute ankle sprain when only one injury occurs. I often get asked by my patients, Why does my ankle give way simply from walking? I answer by asking, How many times […]