Psoriasis is a common, chronic, and recurrent inflammatory disease of the skin characterized by round, reddish, dry scaley patches covered by grayish-white or silvery-white scales. Lesions are most commonly found on the nails, scalp, elbows, shins and feet. In the foot, psoriasis can be difficult to distinguish from Athlete’s Foot, or the nail appearance may be confused with fungal infections of the toenails.
Psoriasis can cause a characteristic pitting appearance on the nails. Pustular psoriasis is a form of the disease characterized by small pustules or blisters filled with clear or cloudy fluid.
Psoriasis can affect the joints of the feet and lower extremities, leading to painful arthritis. Anti-inflammatory medications, steroids, and other medications are common treatment for psoriasis. Note: Please consult your physician before taking any medications.