
In continuation of our tour of skin grafts, we will now discuss another form of skin graft substitute: Apligraf.

Apligraf has the same indications, as does dermagraft, non-healing wounds such as in diabetics with neuropathy. A common contraindication is in a wound with active infection. Like Dermagraft, Apligraf is cryopreserved after manufacturing and stored for use as necessary.

What makes it Different?

Unlike Dermagraft, Apligraf is a bilayered skin substitute derived from neonatal foreskins. This tissue undergoes rigorous decontamination with antibacterials, antifungals, etc. The cells are then cultured on an agar medium. The specific cells in Apligraf are Keratinocytes AND Fibroblasts. The fibroblasts are present to assist in tissue growth. The keratinocyte layer is the BIG difference. Keratinocytes make up the outer layer of the graft and helps replicate the architecture of the epidermis. Just in case you might be worried, Apligraf does not contain any skin appendage: hair follicles, sweat glands, melanocytes, etc. It is simply a layer of keratinocytes and a layer of fibroblasts.

Like Dermagraft, Apligraf is applied on a weekly basis until your physician notes complete closure of the wound.

If you are in need of foot or ankle care, please contact Dr. Bowman at 713-467-8886 or visit www.houstonfootspecialists.com.

Photo Credit: PhasinPhoto via FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Category: General

Tags: skin grafting