Wound First Aid: Protecting Diabetic Feet
It doesnt take much to injure your foot. Perhaps a new pair of running shoes caused a little blister, or stepping on a sharp toy hiding in the carpet left a small cut in the bottom of your foot. Many of us would give a shrug of the shoulders, use an adhesive bandage, and wait until it cleared up in a couple of days. However, a wound, big or small, can be a serious problem in diabetic feet. It can quickly develop into a non-healing ulcer, so we want to offer some wound first aid tips that you can do at home before you make it into our office for a full evaluation.
If you sustain a puncture wound, the first step is to stop the bleeding with a clean cloth or bandage. If the puncture is deep and the bleeding does not stop, or if there is debris in the wound that cannot be removed, call us right away for immediate care or present to your nearest Emergency Room.
If not, rinse it with clean water once it has stopped bleeding, and clean the area around the injury with soap. Do not use hydrogen peroxide to cleanse the wound due to its toxic effects on the surrounding healthy tissue. Next, apply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment and cover the wound with a bandage to keep bacteria out. With a more superficial wound, these steps should be sufficient until you can make an appointment with Houston Foot Specialists, as long as your tetanus shots are up to date.
Keep a close eye on the injury. If you notice any signs of infection such as warmth, swelling, drainage, or redness, call us to be seen right away. Even if it appears to be healing, you should keep your appointment so we can ensure there isnt further damage under the skin that you cant see.
The same steps apply with a small cut, scrape or blister keep the area clean and covered, and possibly free from weight until you can be seen at our office. Protecting feet is crucial when you have diabetes. We do not waste time treating an injury in diabetic feet, and you shouldnt either. Neuropathy and poor circulation can highly complicate your foot health, and even the most minor events should be evaluated and treated to protect your foot health. Contact Dr. Aleisha Allen at Houston Foot Specialists if you have an injury or any concerns. You can reach our office in Houston, TX by calling (713) 467-8886 today.
Category: Diabetes
Tags: Diabetes, diabetic feet, protecting feet